Positive Energy
for Minnetonka

I lost! (By 4 votes!)

In 2019 Bradley Schaeppi won the Ward 3 election by 3 votes out of 1753 votes cast. A close race! This year, I lost by 4 votes out of 3359 votes cast. Somehow, even closer! Ward 3 is bananas! (Full results) Here are some takeaways.

Every vote counts!
Your vote matters, so vote in every election. EVERY ONE!

Binary outcomes are tough
Most of our lives are lived in a comfortable gray area - outcomes are generally positive or negative, not entirely black or white. I lost by the narrowest of margins, and while I definitely don’t feel like a loser, there is no consolation prize. I’ll have the sads briefly, but “positive energy for Minnetonka” isn’t just a slogan, it’s literally who and what I am.

Rank your ballot!
Unfortunately, the Ranked Choice Voting repeal campaign led many people to reject the entire premise of our voting system, and they disenfranchised themselves in the process. Of the 989 people who voted for Ryan Ness, 631 of them made no 2nd choice. Those voters could have extended Paula’s victory or flipped the election to me. Using RCV, there is absolutely no benefit to ranking your preferred candidate more than once or not ranking any candidates beyond your first choice. It’s like voting in a primary election and sitting out the general election if your candidate lost in the primary. As I said above, your vote matters, so rank it!

Yes, there was a recount. No, it didn’t change the outcome.
This is why we have recounts - to be absolutely sure that close election results are accurate. It was open to the public, and the result was the same. The machines are extremely accurate. Data from thousands of other recounts affirms this. We have a robust and reliable voting system, don’t take it for granted.

I have no regrets
I had a blast campaigning and putting myself out into the community. I ran a positive campaign focused on connecting with people and building consensus around the big issues. With 3 candidates running competitive campaigns, we nearly DOUBLED the voter turnout in our ward election. If you believe that democracy derives its power from the people, then this was 2x as democratic as our last election.

I love you guys
At first, it was scary putting myself out there, approaching 2148 doors to interrupt strangers. Whether you simply gave me an encouraging smile, said “good luck”, took a yard sign or donated, that was the fuel that propelled me forward, and my life is better because of it. 

Paula is great
I know Paula. She is an incredibly hard worker that will read the 500+ page packet before every city council meeting. She’ll study the complex issues, ask informed and direct questions to city staff, and make decisions in the best interests of the entire community. She’ll be available and responsive to you. She will make a great city council member!

Hey, I’m David Haeg. I’m running for Minnetonka City Council (Ward 3) to ensure that everyone feels safe, heard and empowered to make our community better – while preserving what’s already great.

About Me

I’m a graduate of the Minnetonka Citizen’s Academy, a frequent volunteer in Minnetonka schools, and have been active in local organizing for environmental advocacy, bike/pedestrian safety and election reform. I also have a range of wonderful books in my Little Free Library, and a Labrador that will bring you a ball to throw while you’re picking something out.

Father of three, I grew up 10 minutes from where I live today. I do marketing and management consulting for mission-driven organizations. MBA from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.

I’m running for the Ward 3 City Council Seat (west of 494, north of HW7). The current councilmember, Bradley Schaeppi, is stepping down and has endorsed me to replace him. This is a ranked choice voting election, with no primary, just a general election on November 7th where you’ll be able to rank up to 3 candidates.

What are my issues? Read the stuff I care about.

About You

Between now and November, I want to get to know you. I’ll be knocking on doors, hosting events and generally being visible. I’d love to hear from you.

Connect with me

About Us

Whenever I’m working on a project, we always begin by looking at the “bright spots”. What’s a bright spot? It’s something good in our community that can help us identify patterns that can be repeated to create more wins. It could be a person, a business, a development, or an event. I’ll outline how it happened, what the benefits are and how it can be expanded. Do you have a bright spot to share? Tell me about it!

See the bright spots