Bradley Schaeppi - Current Ward 3 Minnetonka Councilmember

“I support David because he will champion the issues most important to me: amplifying all resident voices, restoring our local environment, safer streets for bikers and walkers, and supporting our police.”

Patrick Hanlon - Hopkins Mayor

“David brings an authentic passion and commitment to the tough issues that are important to our communities. He has the experience and ability to bring forward positive win/win solutions that will benefit the region.”

Brian Kirk - Ward 1 Minnetonka Councilmember

“David is a thoughtful listener, a strategic thinker, and a clear communicator who deeply cares about helping people. These are skills all city council members should have.”

Jen Westmoreland - Hopkins School Board Chair

“David is an experienced and thoughtful leader who engages with all community members to identify shared priorities and solutions. I’m proud to endorse him.”

Elena Imaretska - Former member of Minnetonka DEI task force, Vice Chair of Park Board, Ward 3 candidate

“David radiates positivity and kindness. He doesn’t just believe in an equitable and connected community - he leads the work to make it happen.”

Bob Ellingson - Former Minnetonka City Council member and State Representative

“David is practical and empathetic, cares about people, understands the issues of the city council, and will be ready to do the job on day one.”

Matt Henry - Minnetonka Sustainability Commission and Planning Commission Member

“David has a clear understanding of city council issues, especially related to sustainability and planning. He is an excellent communicator, is thoughtful and makes it a priority to be fully informed when grappling with a policy issue.”

Minnetonka Climate Initiative

Sierra Club

Larry Wade
“The Old Naturalist”
Environmental Educator

Heather Holm
Pollinator Conservationist,
Author, Educator

Dennis Yockers
PhD Environmental Educator